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user:1234 user:me (yours) |
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answers:3 (3+) answers:0 (none) isaccepted:yes hasaccepted:no inquestion:1234 |
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Code | code:"if (foo != bar)" |
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title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
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Enumerative combinatorics, graph theory, order theory, posets, matroids, designs and other discrete structures. It also includes algebraic, analytic and probabilistic combinatorics.
Minimize average bitwise entropy with given pairwise hamming distance
First decompose the total distance $D$ by component: $$D = \sum_{i,j\in [n]} d(a_i,a_j) = \sum_{l \in [m]} \sum_{i,j\in [n]} \mathbf{1}\{a_{il} \neq a_{jl}\}.$$ Let $\delta_l = \frac{1}{n^2} \sum_{i,j …
Special clique in perfect graph
This stronger statement is not true. Consider $C_6$, which is bipartite and thus perfect. There are three maximal independent set of size two, but each clique intersects only two out of the three.
Neighbourhood of a word and Levenshtein distance
I can give a partial answer for the analogous question about deletion distance, the variant of edit distance where insertions and deletions are the only basic operations. Substitutions must be perform …