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Abelian varieties are projective algebraic varieties endowed with an Abelian group structure. Over the complex numbers, they can be described as quotients of a vector space by a lattice of full rank. They are analogs in higher dimensions of elliptic curves, and play an important role in algebraic geometry and number theory.

1 vote
0 answers

Smooth symmetric divisors in abelian varieties without points of order $2$

Let $X=V/\Lambda$ be a complex abelian variety of dimension $g$, endowed with a polarization $M$ of type $(d_1, \ldots, d_g)$. A divisor $D \in |M|$ is called symmetric if $(-1)_X^*D=D$, namely if it …
3 votes
0 answers

Ampleness of the normal bundle to the Albanese image

Let $X$ be a projective surface of general type over $\mathbb{C}$, and assume that $\Omega_X$ is globally generated. Then the Albanese map $a \colon X \to \operatorname{Alb}(X)$ is a local embedding n …
9 votes
1 answer

Pull-back of an irreducible ample divisor via an isogeny of abelian varieties

In the (wonderful) book by C. Birkenhake and H. Lange Complex Abelian Varieties we can find the following result, see Corollary 4.3.4 page 77. It is stated in any dimension $g \geq 2$, but let us cons …
5 votes
0 answers

Line bundles of characteristic $0$ on abelian varieties

Maybe what I'm asking is well-known to the experts, however I was not able to find a suitable reference. Any pointer to the literature will be appreciated. For the notation and teminology, I refer t …
11 votes
0 answers

Surfaces with $q=2$ and generically finite Albanese map

I have a family of surfaces of general type $S$ with $q(S)=2$, and such that the Albanese map $$\alpha \colon S \longrightarrow A:=\mathrm{Alb}(S)$$ is generically finite of degree $n$. By a result of …
11 votes
0 answers

Singular curve on an abelian surface

Let $C_2$ be a smooth genus $2$ curve and $J(C_2)$ its Jacobian. It is well known that the blow-up of $J(C_2)$ at the origin $o$ is isomorphic to the second symmetric product $\textrm{Sym}^2(C_2)$, an …
2 votes
0 answers

Characters on lattices and isogenies of Abelian varieties

Let $V:=\mathbb{C}^g$ and $\Lambda \subset V$ be a lattice, i.e. a discrete subgroup of rank $2g$. Then $A:=V/ \Lambda$ is a complex torus of dimension $g$. We moreover assume that $A$ is algebraic, h …
5 votes
0 answers

Simplicity of a rank 2 vector bundle over a principally polarized abelian surface

Let $A := \textrm{Jac}(C)$ be the Jacobian of a genus $2$ curve $C$, with principal polarization $\Theta$. Studying some branched covers of $A$, I was led to consider some rank $2$ holomorphic vecto …
8 votes
1 answer

Rank 2 vector bundle on a product of elliptic curves

Let $E$, $F$ be two complex elliptic curves, and $A=E \times F$. Let us denote by $\pi_E \colon A \to E, \quad \pi_F \colon A \to F$ the natural projections. For all $p \in F$ let us write $E_p$ ins …
3 votes
0 answers

The Schrodinger representation on the space of sections of a general $(1,3)$-polarized abel...

This question arose while I was studying some finite covers of abelian surfaces. Let $(A, \mathscr{L})$ be a $(1,3)$-polarized abelian surface over the complex numbers and consider the vector space $ …
7 votes
1 answer

$2$-torsion line bundles on abelian varieties

Let $\mathcal{A}_{g,D}$ be the moduli space of abelian varieties of dimension $g$ and polarization $D$ of type $(d_1, \ldots, d_g)$. Let $\mathcal{M}$ be the moduli space parametrizing pairs $(A, \ma …