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24 votes
6 answers

A good place to read about uniform spaces

I'd like to learn a bit about uniform spaces, why are they useful, how do they arise, what do they generalize, etc., without getting away from the context of general topology. I have to prepare an 1h3 …
34 votes
1 answer

Freyd-Mitchell's embedding theorem

Freyd–Mitchell's embedding theorem states that: if $A$ is a small abelian category, then there exists a ring R and a full, faithful and exact functor $F\colon A \to R\text{-}\mathrm{Mod}$. I have been …
10 votes
1 answer

Different forms of compactness and their relation

Given a topological space X one can define several notion of compactness: X is compact if every open cover has a finite subcover. X is sequentially compact if every sequence has a convergent subsequ …
2 votes

The best text to study both incompleteness theorems

If you can read Spanish, an excellent text which both formally proves and philosophically treats both Incompleteness theorems is Carlos Ivorra Castillo's "Lógica y teoría de conjuntos" which is freely …
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