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In probability and statistics, a probability distribution assigns a probability to each measurable subset of the possible outcomes of a random experiment, survey, or procedure of statistical inference.

0 votes

A question about the distributions of order statistics

Depends on the relationship between $ x $, $ k $, and $ n $ and the distribution. For example consider whether $ x $ is close to $ k/n $, if the distribution is uniform.
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Sensitivity of inverse normal cdf

Let $Q^{-1}$ be the inverse function of a standard normal CDF. For $0 < p,p' < 1$, how much does the function $Q^{-1}$ change as a function of $|p - p'|$? Any useful upper bounds would be helpful. …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Name of distribution

You can put the uniform distribution on any nonempty finite set whatsoever. In this case, you could call it the uniform distribution on the set of nonnegative integer solutions to an equation.
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a simple closed form solution for the joint density distribution of an exponential ...

$$ f(t,s)= f(t\mid s)\cdot f(s) = \frac1{\theta^k\Gamma(k)} s e^{-st}\cdot s^{k-1}\cdot e^{-s/\theta} $$ $$ = \frac1{\theta^k\Gamma(k)} s^{k}\cdot e^{-st-s/\theta} $$ for $s>0$, $t>0$. Here $s=\lambda …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Random partitions with prescribed pairwise membership probabilities

In other words, given a matrix $(p_{ij})$, is there a distribution on partitions of $[n]$ with the above property, and if so is there a way to sample from such distribution? No; $ p_{1,2}=p_{1,3} …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
3 votes

Probable direction of deviations from the expected value in binomial and hypergeometric cases

Here's a positive answer for the binomial distribution in the case $p=1-\frac1{n}$. (I suppose you could check some other cases like $p=1-\frac2n$ in a similar way.) We need to prove $$\binom{n}{n} …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

The distribution of the maximum of a series of extreme value type I random variable

For any $n$, $$\Pr(Y\le n)=\Pr(X_i\le n\,(\forall i))=\prod_i\Pr(X_i\le n)=\lim_{i\to\infty}\Pr(X_1\le n)^i=0.$$ So $Y=\infty$ with probability 1.
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
2 votes

Samples paths are convex

How about if we let $f(t)=\int_0^t W_s^2ds$ where $W$ is a standard Wiener process, and $g(t)=\int_0^tf(s)ds$. Then $g''(t)=W_t^2\ge 0$ so $g$ is convex. For general $C$ replace 0 by $\inf C$.
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

algebraic tail of a random variable

It just means that $$\mu\left(\{f: K_f>y\}\right)<\frac{\alpha}{y^\beta}$$ and $$\mu\left(\{f: \rho(x_0,f(x_0))>y\}\right)<\frac{\alpha}{y^\beta}$$
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

What are some examples of isotrophic sets?

This answer is referring to version 1 of the question. What are some examples of isotrophic sets? and is there a "good" way to describe them? Isotrophic meaning that a random vector X uniform …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Parameter estimation distribution for hypergeometric distribution

You can use maximum likelihood estimation:
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Probability of a given string being a substring of another string

Let $A_t$ be the event that $S_1$ is a substring of $S_2$, $S_2=pS_1q$, where the length of $p$ is $t$. Then the probability of $\cup_t A_t$ can be found by inclusion-exclusion as $$\sum P(A_t)-\sum P …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
3 votes

Given the joint probability distributions of $X$ and $Y$ for $Y = R\,X+C$, find the probabil...

It's not possible. Let $X$ be constant equal to 1. Let $B_1,B_2,B_3$ be independent Bernoullis. Let $R_1=B_1+B_2$, $C_1=B_3$. Let $R_2=B_1$, $C_2=B_2+B_3$. Then $R_1X+C_1=R_2X+C_2$. So even if yo …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
3 votes

How to measure distribution of high-dimensional data

Here are some interesting theoretical notions of distance between two such distributions: Wasserstein distance Lévy–Prokhorov metric Total variation distance of probability measures
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Finding a distribution satisfying uncountably many constraints. Any relevant references?

It seems that in general this is an almost arbitrarily hard problem. Consider the simpler countably infinite case $X=\mathbb N$, $Y=\{0,1\}$. Thus $H=\{x:h(x)=1\}$ is a "random set". Fix $g:X\to\{0, …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar

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