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Questions about mathematics which don't fall into the other arXiv categories. If you have a general question about mathematics but it is not research level, it's off-topic but it might be welcomed on Mathematics Stack Exchange.

14 votes

A set for which it is hard to determine whether or not it is countable.

Here is an example where it is hard in a proof-theoretic sense to determine whether a set is countable. Jan Reimann and Theodore A. Slaman (in the paper Randomness for continuous measures) study ran …
2 votes

Examples of conjectures whose direct falsity implies different consequences than indirect fa...

Here's an example from computability theory. Statement $A$:"The Turing degrees are linearly ordered". Statement $B$: "The $\Sigma^0_1$ Turing degrees are linearly ordered". Statement $A$ was refut …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
13 votes

Example of a function that behaves like another function

This may be more than 15 symbols, but $$ f(x)= x + \frac{1}{1+(x+\delta-1)^{2n/(2n-1)}} $$ where $\delta>0$ is small and $n$ is large. For $n=2$ and $\delta=1/10$ it looks like this: (source) ED …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
6 votes

What is the term for combining functions $f_1,f_2,\dots,f_n$ into a tuple $(f_1,\dots,f_n)$?

You could call $$\mathbf r(t)=\langle x(t), y(t), z(t)\rangle$$ the vector function (or vector?) of $(x,y,z)$.
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
1 vote

Are there any organized websites for seminar/conference videos?

You can subscribe to tags on Vimeo, and in principle arXiv tags like pr.probability could be used
21 votes

Why is the Gaussian so pervasive in mathematics?

(The sort of obvious answer from teaching statistics several times:) The sum of two independent normal random variables is again normal, i.e., the shape of the distribution is unchanged under addition …
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
10 votes

Still Difficult After All These Years

I would like to believe that by 2110 the Langland's program would be reduced to a 10-page pamphlet (with complete proofs) that I could read over breakfast. Is this belief plausible? In a way, no …