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Complex, contact, Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian and Finsler geometry, relativity, gauge theory, global analysis.

2 votes

A question on the topological change of dualizing a SLAG fibration.

I am not completely sure what is meant by this statement since the topology of the torus fibration certainly changes if the fibration doesn't have a section. If on the other hand we follow your prescr …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
  • 6,239
7 votes

Is this Sequences of Complexes of Sheaves Exact?

This is not related to sheafification. The sheaf $\mathbb{C}^{*}$ of locally constant functions on $M$ is already a sheaf, so sheafification will not change it. This sequence is not an exact sequ …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
  • 6,239
12 votes

Non-Kahler manifolds and the dd^c-lemma

Here is an example of a Moishezon manifold which is easy to visualize. Take a high degree (e.g. a quintic) hypersurface $Z$ in $\mathbb{P}^{4}$ which has a single ordinary double point. Let $X$ be a s …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
  • 6,239
5 votes

Pushing Complex Structure Forward

This seems to be a question about holomorphicity of diffeomorphisms in a given complex structure. Replace your covering map $E \to B$ by its Galois closure (= frame bundle) $X \to B$. Now by construct …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
  • 6,239
16 votes

Is the cotangent bundle to a Kahler manifold hyperkahler?

Such hyper Kaehler metrics do exist near the zero section, e.g. in a formal or an analytic tubular neighborhood of the zero section. After that one can use some homogeneity to spread them on the whol …
Tony Pantev's user avatar
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