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For questions involving one or more categorical dimensions, or involving homotopy coherent categorical structures.

8 votes

How to understand pushout/pullback in a stable $\infty$-category

Let me try to give some intuition by examining two important examples. One should start from the definition: the suspension $ΣX$ is the universal choice of $Y$ filling of a square $$\require{AMScd} \ …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
4 votes

Higher categorical analogue of the equivalence between the category of representations of a ...

I think you made a sign mistake, and asked for a left adjoint to $\Omega^\infty$ since the monoid ring is a left along to the forgetful functor. If so then the answer is yes. $\Sigma^\infty_+:\mathr …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
9 votes

Example of a non-$\infty$-category whose homotopy category is a groupoid

Since the homotopy category depends only on the 2-skeleton of the simplicial set, the easiest thing to do is to take the 2-skeleton of an ∞-groupoid. For example, let $E$ be the nerve of the contracti …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
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8 votes

What parts of the theory of quasicategories have been simplified since the publication of HTT?

A significant technical improvement has been found by J. Shah in the theory of Kan extensions. Unfortunately I do not know of an exposition that does only the classical case, but reading the proof of …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
12 votes

Definition of $Fun^G( \mathcal C, \mathcal D)$ in the setting of quasicategories

A(n ∞-)category with $G$-action is just a functor $BG\to \mathrm{Cat}_∞$. Then, if $\mathcal{C},\mathcal{D}$ are (∞-)categories with $G$-action, we can get another (∞-)category with $G$ action $\mathr …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
55 votes

Why stable $\infty$-categories?

I already answered some version of this question in this answer, but let me try to expand a bit on the concrete advantages in mathematical practice. For understanding the following you need to take on …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
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12 votes

$(\infty,2)$-Categorical Analogue of the Local Nature of Equivalences

TL DR: That is not enough. If you let $\psi_i:G(i)\to F(i)$ be the left adjoint of $\phi_i$ you also need the condition that for every $f:i\to j$ the canonical morphism $$\psi_jG(f)\to F(f)\psi_i$$ ad …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
8 votes

Homotopy function complex for quasi-categories

Yes, you can compute the mapping spaces in ∞-categories by taking the biggest Kan subcomplex of the internal hom. The trick is not to use the Joyal model structure, but instead the model structure on …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
4 votes

Inverting a suspension object in a stable monoidal category

In the case where $\mathcal{C}$ is presentable, this is constructed in proposition 2.9 of Robalo, Marco, $K$-theory and the bridge from motives to noncommutative motives, Adv. Math. 269, 399-550 …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
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20 votes

Describing fiber products in stable $\infty$-categories

In fact what you need is that your ∞-category is additive (i.e. that it has direct sums and that the canonical commutative monoid structure on the mapping spaces is group-like). All stable categories …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
3 votes

Delooping monoidal $\infty$-groupoids into $\infty$-categories

I assume that with ``monoidal ∞-groupoid'' you mean an $E_1$-space. In this case the answer is yes. It is well known that $E_1$-spaces can be modeled by functors $$X:\Delta^{\mathrm{op}}\to \operatorn …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
12 votes

Gabriel-Ulmer duality for $\infty$-categories

I'm not aware of anyone writing the proof down, but I think we can patch it together as an easy consequence of several facts in Lurie's Higher Topos Theory (henceforth HTT). The statement, as I under …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
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11 votes

What is the symmetric monoidal structure on the $(\infty,1)$-category of spectra?

Let me add a short observation to Dylan's fantastic answer. There is indeed a more concrete construction of the symmetric monoidal structure on the $\infty$-category of spectra: it is the localized Da …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
11 votes

Reference request: The unit of an adjunction of $\infty$-categories in the sense of Riehl-Ve...

Let $\mathcal{C},\mathcal{D}$ two $\infty$-categories and $f:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{D}$ and $g:\mathcal{D}\to \mathcal{C}$ two functors. Recall (HTT. that a natural transformation $u:1_{\math …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k
14 votes

A "universally non Hypercomplete" $\infty$-topos via Goodwillie calculus?

As discussed in the comments, I'm writing here the proof of the following fact: Let $\mathscr{X}_∞$ be the ∞-topos of sheaves on $\mathrm{FinTop}^{op}$ under the atomic topology (the topology wher …
Denis Nardin's user avatar
  • 16.5k

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