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Questions that are about research in mathematics, or about the job of a research mathematician, without being mathematical problems or statements in the strictest sense. Do not use this tag for easy or supposedly easy mathematical questions.

19 votes

Math for a cake

$e^{i \pi} = -1$
32 votes

New grand projects in contemporary math

Does compressed sensing count as math? If it does, here is a blog post from the horse's mouth. Edit: For those who would like a popular article, here is a good one in Wired (by JSE if I'm not mistake …
8 votes

What are some examples of mathematicians who had an unconventional education?

Otto Grün seems to fit the bill. Here's the abstract of From FLT to finite groups. The remarkable career of Otto Grün by Peter Roquette: Every student who starts to learn group theory will soon be …
15 votes

Mathematical Paper That Just Links Two Different Fields of Sciences

There are a gazillion of papers like that. Actually, that's how this lowly talking duckling roles when not proving mathly-hardcore theorems. Where to submit depends on the nature of your paper. You m …
Yuichiro Fujiwara's user avatar
10 votes

Should science authors discourage / boycott the recent push for author IDs

Something tells me this thread's going to get closed at faster than the speed of sound unless OP thoroughly edits the question. But I think it's only good to make it easier to identify researchers eis …
Yuichiro Fujiwara's user avatar
17 votes

Modern Mathematical Achievements Accessible to Undergraduates

The entire material taught in an undergraduate course of quantum information at math/comp sci departments. If I should pick one specific theorem, maybe I'd go with the fact that encoding $\vert0\rang …
13 votes

Two questions about combinatorics journals

To the eye of younger folks like me who doesn't know or care exactly why JCT split into two, Series B looks like a specialized journal almost entirely in graph theory while Series A deals with a broad …