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for questions about etale cohomology of schemes, including foundational material and applications.

4 votes
1 answer

Unit map on étale site under $(f^*,f_*)$ adjunction

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a morphism between two irreducible schemes and $\mathcal{F}$ sheaf on the small étale site $Y_{ét}$. My question is more or less "dual" to this one: Question: Under which "reasonab …
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Faithfully flat etale morphism from strictly Henselian ring (from Etale Cohomology and the W...

I have question about a statement found in Etale Cohomology and the Weil Conjecture by Freitag, Kiehl at the end of page 15. It starts with the Remark 1.18 : Let $A$ be a strictly Henselian ring (i.e. …
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Exactness of functor $ Et(B) \to \operatorname{(Ab)}, \ C \mapsto \mathcal{F}(C) $ (Etale Co...

I have question about a statement from Etale Cohomology and the Weil Conjecture by Freitag, Kiehl at the top of page 16. It seemingly uses the same notations as introduced at the bottom of page 15 and …
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Calculate stalk of etale derived pushforward sheaf (Milne's LEC)

Assume $X=\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ is connected and normal (especially integral), and let $g:\eta \hookrightarrow X$ be the inclusion of the generic point of $X$. In Milne's LEC script on Etale Cohomol …
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Field of fractions of etale stalk of Dedekind domain (Example from Milne's LEC)

Let $X=\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ be an affine Dedekind domain with field of fractions $K$. Let $\widetilde{A}$ be the integral closure of $A$ in separable closure $ K^{\text{sep}}$. A closed point $x$ o …
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3 votes
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Characterization of étale locally constant sheaves over a normal scheme

I have a question about the verification of remark 1.2 in James Milne's book Étale Cohomology stated on page 156: Assume $X$ be a normal & connected scheme with generic point $g: \eta \to X$. Then the …
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A stalk criterion for unit map to be an isomorphism on étale site

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes and $\mathcal{F}$ sheaf of sets/Abelian groups on the small étale site $Y_{ét}$. Assume we manage somehow to show thatat every geometric point $\overline{y} \ …
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"Simple Limit Argument" in Freitag's and Kiehl's Etale Cohomology

I have a question about an argument used in Freitag's and Kiehl's Etale Cohomology and the Weil Conjecture in the proof of: 4.4 Lemma. (p 41) Every sheaf $F$ representable by an étale scheme $U \to X$ …
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Some questions about splitting of sequence $0\to I\to\mathrm{Gal}_K\to\mathrm{Gal}_k\to 0$ f...

I have a couple of questions about following proof by Peter Scholze on splitting of the ses (...does it have a name?...) $$0\to I\to\mathrm{Gal}_K\to\mathrm{Gal}_k\to 0$$ for $K$ henselian valuation f …
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Higher direct images of locally constant etale sheaf under smooth proper map locally constant

Let $f:X \to Y$ a surjective smooth proper map between Noetherian schemes and $F$ a locally constant sheaf on small etale site of $X$. Question: Refering to Donu Arapura's answer here, how to see that …
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Henselization of normal rings (Milne's EC)

The usual way to define the Henselization $A^h$ of a local ring $(A, \mathfrak{m})$ is by taking the direct limit $\varinjlim (B, \mathfrak q)$ over all étale neighborhoods of $A$ (i.e. pairs $(B,\mat …
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Splitting of composition of trace and counit in derived setting

Let $X,Y$ be varieties (separated of finite type schemes) over base field $k$, $\mathcal{F}$ be constructible sheaf on $Y_{\mathrm{et}}$ and assume that we have a finite morphism $f: X \to Y$, which g …
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When inverse image presheaf is already a sheaf

Following proof from Milne's Étale Cohomology (page 94) contains an equality I not understand. Setting: assume $X$ is a variety (=absolutely reduced, irreducible scheme of finite type over base field …
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2 votes
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Some facts about sheafification functor on étale site

I'm studying the book Etale cohomology and the Weil conjecture by Freitag, Kiehl and I have some questions on the subchapter introducing the machinery associating to an étale presheaf a sheaf (that is …
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Characterize descents of geometric finite étale cover by means of homotopy exact sequence

Let $X/k$ be a geometrically connected $k$-variety (=separated of finite type, esp quasi-compact; the base field $k$ assumed to be separable, so $\overline{k}=k^{\text{sep}}$), $\overline{X} := X \oti …
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