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A model category is a category equipped with notions of weak equivalences, fibrations and cofibrations allowing to run arguments similar to those of classical homotopy theory.

7 votes

simplicial deRham complex and model category structure

There is a projective model structure on the category of (pre)sheaves with value in any reasonnable model category (e.g. simplicial sets, complexes of abelian groups, commutative k-dg-algebras, where …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
20 votes

Non standard (?) model category structure on (co)chain complexes.

This is well known, but formulated in a slightly different way. Recall that a Frobenius category is an exact category which has enough injectives as well as enough projectives, and such that an objec …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
10 votes

When do the Reedy and injective model category structures agree?

I complete the answer of Charles Rezk by some precise references: you may find the answer to your questions in my book Les préfaisceaux commes modèles des types d'homotopie, Astérisque 308 (2006). In …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
6 votes

Unicity up to homotopy of simplicial enrichments

If, given any fixed cofibrant object $A$, there is a funtor $map(A,-)$ from $M$ to simplicial sets which preserves weak equivalences between fibrant objects and commutes with homotopy limits up to can …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
11 votes

How to localize a model category with respect to a class of maps created by a left Quillen f...

I suspect that you already have one, but here is a proof. I will assume that $M$ and $N$ are combinatorial and that $M$ is left proper (otherwise, I don't think that the literature contains a general …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
11 votes

Local Joyal-simplicial presheaves?

If $V$ is a reasonnable model category (i.e. combinatorial, etc), and $C$ a small category endowed with a Grothendieck topology $\tau$, there are $\tau$-local model structures on the category $Fun(C^{ …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
11 votes

On diagrams in model categories and rectification

If we look at the proof that I know of in the case this is true - see below - we need in fact that, for any small $1$-category $I$, $h_\infty(C^I)$ has small (co)limits and that they can be computed …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
31 votes

Model structure on Simplicial Sets without using topological spaces

Quillen's original proof (in Homotopical Algebra, LNM 43, Springer, 1967) is purely combinatorial (i.e. does not use topological spaces): he uses the theory of minimal Kan fibrations, the fact that th …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
2 votes

Model category structure on Set without axiom of choice

For any elementary topos $T$, there is a model category structure on $T$, whose cofibrations are the monomorphisms, and whose weak equivalences are the maps $X\to Y$ such that, either $Y$ is empty, ei …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
7 votes

Homotopy Limits over Fibered Categories

The axiomatic way to present this is Heller's theory of homotopy theories, which is the same as Grothendieck's theory of derivators (see the references in the links below). As any model category defin …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
19 votes

Is the simplicial completion of a localizer always a bousfield localization of the injective...

Let $A$ be a small category, and $W$ an $A$-localizer. Then we say that $W$ is regular if any presheaf $X$ over $A$ is canonically the homotopy colimit of the representable presheaves above $X$; see D …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
10 votes

When is the model structure on functors correct, i.e. when does localization commute with ta...

If your model structures are assumed to have small limits or colimits, the answer to the question of the title is: always. For any model category $M$ and any small category $C$, inverting levelwise we …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
12 votes

Is the Thomason model structure the optimal realization of Grothendieck's vision?

The answer to question 1) is no. However, the functor $$N Elts_A:Psh(A)\to sSet$$ commutes with colimits and is a left Quillen equivalence whenever $A$ is a test category. We may transfer the model st …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
19 votes

Do homotopy limits compute limits in the associated quasicategory in the non-combinatorial m...

Homotopy limits in any model category always coincide with limits in the associated $(\infty,1)$-category. To see this, you need to know the following (classical) facts: 1) given a cofibrant object $ …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar
25 votes

Are non-empty finite sets a Grothendieck test category?

The fact that G is a test category falls in large class of examples. Grothendieck proved that a small category $A$ is a local test category if and only if there exists a presheaf $I$ on $A$ which is a …
D.-C. Cisinski's user avatar

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