The following question might be elementary — it is too far from my area of expertise to tell. It has shown up in my research in an interesting way, which I will not go into here, but I'm happy to tell you about it in private if you get in touch with me.
To begin, take the Euclidean space $\mathbb R^n$, and the vector $(1,1,\dots,1)$, and its orthogonal $(n-1)$-dimensional hyperplane. Let's call this hyperplane $\mathfrak h$; it is an $(n-1)$-dimensional Euclidean space. There is the orthogonal projection $\mathbb R^n\to\mathfrak h$. Define a lattice $\Lambda$ inside $\mathfrak h$ as the image of the standard $\mathbb Z^n \subseteq \mathbb R^n$ under this projection. Unless I am mistaken, this lattice is the weight lattice of $\mathfrak{sl}(n)$. (It's one of those weight or root or coroot or something lattices, anyway.)
Pick $n-2$ points in $\Lambda$; then there is an $(n-2)$-dimensional hyperplane in $\mathfrak h$ passing through those points and the origin. With one more bit of data (an orientation, say) those points pick out a half-space (say as those $x\in \mathfrak h$ so that a certain determinant is positive). For want of a better term, let me call an integer polytopal cone (the closure of) a region formed by taking intersections and unions of finitely many such half-spaces. (Is there a better name for such an object?)
For any integer polytopal cone $C$, I can measure its solid angle measure (normalized so that the solid angle measure of $\mathfrak h$ is $1$). Namely, let $B$ denote the unit ball in $\mathfrak h$, and $\operatorname{Vol}$ the standard Euclidean volume function; then the solid angle measure of $C$ is $|C| = \operatorname{Vol}(C\cap B) / \operatorname{Vol}(B)$.
I am interested in understanding what types of numbers can be $|C|$. I would love the answer to the following question to be "yes", but I am not optimistic:
If $C$ is an integer polytopal cone, is $|C|$ necessarily rational?
As I say, I am not optimistic. For example, it seems very unlikely that $\arctan(\sqrt{3}/5)/\pi \approx 0.106147808$ is rational. This number already shows up for $\mathfrak{sl}(3)$.
So the more general questions are:
What are the number-theoretic properties of the solid angle measures $|C|$?
Is there a large class of integer polytopal cones $C$ for which one can assure that $|C| \in \mathbb Q$?
(Finally, I have no idea how to tag this question, because it is far from my area of expertise. So I've picked a few tags, and welcome suggestions for retagging.)