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edited remark on measurable cardinals

Existence of a strictly proper scoring rule on a $\sigma$-algebra that is not countably generated

Given a $\sigma$-algebra $\scr F$ on $\Omega$, say that an accuracy scoring rule for $\scr F$ is a function $s$ from the set of all (countably additive) probabilities on $\scr F$ to the $\scr F$-measurable functions on $\Omega$ with values in $[-\infty,M]$ (for some fixed real $M$). A scoring rule $s$ is proper iff $\int_\Omega s(p) \, dp \ge \int_\Omega s(q) \, dp$ for all pairs of probabilities $p$ and $q$, and strictly proper if additionally equality only holds when $p=q$.

If $\scr F$ is countably generated, it has a strictly proper scoring rule (see my answer here). The same is true for any measure space that has only atomic probability measures, like the one here.


  1. Are there any strictly proper scoring rules for a $\scr F$ that is not countably generated and that has a nonatomic probability measure?

  2. If yes, is this true for all $\scr F$?

Note: The answer to (2) is negative if there are cases where there are more than ${\mathfrak c}^{|\Omega|}$ probability measures on $\scr F$. By a result of Paris and Koonen, it is relatively consistent with the existence of a measurable cardinal that there be a measurable cardinal $\kappa$ that has $2^{2^\kappa}$ normal measures, so it is relatively consistent with the existence of a measurable cardinal that the answer to (2) is negative.