In studying the transformation groups generated by holomorphic vector fields V(z) d/dz on ℂ, I've noticed the (surely well-known) fact that the complex quadratic vector fields:
{(a z2 + b z + c) d/dz | (a,b,c) ∊ ℂ3}
form precisely the Lie algebra whose nonzero elements generate the linear fractional transformations, i.e., PSL(2,ℂ).
- Is there some underlying reason for this? (Beyond direct calculation, which provides an easy proof.)
Other than the further Lie algebras {0}, {a d/dz}, and {(a z + b) d/dz} over ℂ of trivial, constant, and linear (affine) vector fields, there seem to be no other polynomial finite-dimensional Lie algebras of vector fields on ℂ.
- Is there some easy-to-explain reason for this?
The next "simplest" such polynomial Lie algebras of vector fields on C seem to be those defined by all polynomial and all rational functions:
(*) VP := {P(z) d/dz | P(z) ∊ C[z]} and VR := {R(z) d/dz | R(z) ∊ C(z)}.
Contrariwise, do there exist finite-dimensional Lie algebras of vector fields on ℂ defined by rational functions -- other than the polynomial ones mentioned above?
In case VP and/or VR generate well-studied (infinite-dimensional) Lie groups of transformations of ℂ, then what are these groups?
In any case, are there standard names for the Lie algebras VP and VR ?
References to the above matters would also be appreciated.