In a footnote to the list of known Mersenne prime numbers which can be found here, we read that the "ranking" therein is a provisional one since not all possible exponents between $37 \, 156 \, 667$ and $77 \, 232 \, 917$ have been eliminated/tested.
If we may infer from this that the individual(s) who recently found the largest known prime number had not previously discarded (quite understandably!) the possible compositeness of the $\pi(77 \, 232 \, 917)-\pi(74 \, 207 \, 281) - 1 \approx 166 \, 801$ members of the set $$\{M_{p} \colon p \in (74 \, 207 \, 281, 77 \, 232 \, 917), p \mbox{ is a prime number}\},$$ do we know what it was that prompted them to try their hand at establishing the primality of the very specific Mersenne number $M_{77 \, 232 \, 917}$ ?
Clearly enough, an analogous question can be formulated regarding the discovery of the 46th, 47th, 48th, and 49th known Mersenne prime numbers...
Thanks in advance for your knowledgeable replies.