According to Silverman, Bombieri-Lang conjecture implies that the rational points of surface on general type lie on finite set of curves, except for a finite set of points.
Let $f$ be univariate squarefree polynomial with integer coefficients of degree $n$.
Consider the surface:
$$ y^2=f(x)f(z) \qquad (1)$$
According to MSE comment (1) is of general type for $n \ge 6$ in general.
For rational $d$ consider the twist of the hyperelliptic curve:
$$ dy^2=f(x) \qquad (2)$$
If (2) has two rational points $(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2)$ infinitely often, this gives rational point on (1) and on the curve $z=x_2,y^2=f(x)f(z)$.
Since the number of curves must be finite, this means there must be finite set of relations between $x_1$ and $x_2$, the simplest beeing $x_1=x_2$ and similar automorphisms.
Q1 Does Bombieri-Lang imply such restriction on rational points on the twist?
Q2 Is there reason to believe there will be simple relation between $x_1$ and $x_2$ infinitely often?
Assuming $abc$,$abcd$ and significant restrictions on $f$ and certain other non-vanishing conditions,$n$ sufficiently large, Granville showed there are more than one non-trivial solutions to (2) finite number of times.