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Is this a metric on the Grassmannian Manifold?

Let $m>n$ and consider the Set $$S_{m,n}=\{A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}\lvert A^TA=I_n \}.$$ Does the function $d\colon S_{m,n} \times S_{m,n} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ defined by $$d(A,B)=\sqrt{1-\det(A^TB)}$$ define a pseudometric on $S_{m,n}$? (A pseudometric satisfies all conditions of a metric except that two elements can also have distance zero.) Consider the equivalence relation $A \sim B$ if there exist an orthogonal $Q \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ with $A=BQ$. The set $S_{m,n}$ together with the equivalence relation can be identified with the grassmannian manifold $Gr(n,\mathbb{R}^m)$. Does $d$ define a metric on $Gr(n,\mathbb{R}^m)$? This question interests me because im trying to approximate (interpolate) functions which take values in the grassmanian manifold and the above metric would open up a possibility for approximating such functions. The difficult part is the triangle-inequality, i.e. for all $A,B,C \in S_{m,n}$ we need to prove that $$\sqrt{1-\det(A^TC)}\leq \sqrt{1-\det(A^TB)}+\sqrt{1-\det(B^TC)}.$$

Thanks for any help in advance.

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