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Can one determine the dimension of a manifold given its 1-skeleton?

This may be an easy question, but I can't think of the answer at hand. Suppose that I have a triangulated $n$-manifold $M$ (satisfying any set of conditions that you feel like). Suppose that I give ...
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3 answers

Are there invariants of cell complexes similar to the Euler characteristic?

The Euler characteristic is an invariant (under homeomorphism) of manifolds that can be computed from a cellulation by (weighted) counting of different kinds of objects, namely \begin{equation} \chi=\...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Is there a combinatorial representation of general topological manifolds similar to triangulations?

Piece-wise linear manifolds are combinatorially represented by simplicial complexes modulo Pachner moves. However, for dimensions greater than $3$, the notions of piece-wise linear and topological ...
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Does every triangulable manifold have a vertex-transitive triangulation?

Does every triangulable manifold have a vertex-transitive triangulation? When I talk about a vertex-transitive triangulation of a manifold, I mean in the sense of realizing a manifold homeomorphically ...
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