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Has the Roelcke completion of a topological group any reasonable algebraic structure?

It is well-known that each topological group $G$ carries (at least) four natural uniformities: the left uniformity $\mathcal L$, generated by the base $\{\{(x,y)\in G\times G:y\in xU\}:U\in\mathcal ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Is a successor to a successor to the trivial group topology on an Abelian group, totally bounded?

Is there an example of an Abelian group $G$ and group topologies $\cal S$ and $\cal T$ on it such that $\cal S$ is an immediate successor to the trivial topology on $G$ (i.e there is no other group ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
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Alternative uniformities on topological groups

Are there any interesting alternative uniformities defined on topological groups besides the usual four (left, right, and their meet/join)? I am curious because in the (sort of) dual setting of coarse ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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What is the universal/fine uniformity on a topological group?

Cross posted from I'm aware that every topological group is uniformizable: given a neighborhood $U\in\mathcal N(e)$ of the identity, the set $D_U=\{\...
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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In a topological group $G$ with its lower uniformity, if $G$ is locally totally bounded, is its completion locally compact?

There has been work done on groups whose lower uniformity (or Roelcke uniformity) is totally bounded, e.g. the orthogonal group on a Hilbert space. This condition is equivalent to saying the lower ...
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