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Questions tagged [symmetric-power]

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The Fock space in Costello's paper "Higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants as genus zero invariants of symmetric products"

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety. In this Annals paper, Costello expressed the descendent genus $g$ Gromov-Witten (GW) invariants of $X$ in terms of genus zero GW invariants of the symmetric ...
Yuhang Chen's user avatar
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Global sections of determinant bundle of symmetric powers

Let $E$ be a globally generated vector bundle of rank $r$ on a normal irreducible projective variety $X$. Suppose that $E$ induces a finite map $$X \to \mathbb{G}r (H^0(E), r)$$ to the Grassmannian of ...
Oscar Amalfitano's user avatar
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Are there cusp forms for the full modular group Sp(2,Z) and representations det^3 \otimes Sym^2j(\rho_standard)

What are modular forms or cusps forms, resp. ? We start with defining their common domains $\mathbb{H}_g$ as the set of symmetric $g \times g$ matrices with positive definite imaginary parts. The ...
Tom's user avatar
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What are the "special" strata of Sym^n(C^2)?

The affine variety $Sym^n(\mathbb{C}^2)$ has a natural quantization as a spherical rational Cherednik algebra. Thus, any primitive ideal of the rational Cherednik algebra has an corresponding ideal ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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