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Diffusions vs elliptic operators with dkp coefficients

I am wondering if there is any literature on the relationship between diffusions and elliptic equations. In particular I am interested in literature concerning operators with Dahlberg–Kenig–Pipher ...
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1 answer

Elliptic PDEs in BSDEs and in optimal control

This soft/reference question is related to this MO post of a similar nature. What are some examples of elliptic PDEs appearing in control and BSDEs?
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Elliptic principal eigenfunction analysis for Langevin dynamics with a varying source term

Consider the Kolmogorov forward equation for a Langevin dynamic: $$\DeclareMathOperator{\Div}{div} \begin{cases} \dfrac{\partial}{\partial t} f = \Delta f + \Div(f\nabla V)\\ \\ \displaystyle\int_{\...