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1 answer

Could you please confirm or deny two identities involving weighted Stirling numbers of the second kind?

In the paper [1] below, among other things, Carlitz introduced weighted Stirling numbers of the second kind $R(n,k,r)$. He also proved that the numbers $R(n,k,r)$ can be generated by \begin{equation*}%...
3 votes
2 answers

Ask for a reference or a proof of a combinatorial identity $\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{2n+1}{2k}\binom {k}{m} =2^{2(n-m)}\frac{2n+1}{2(n-m)+1}\binom{2n-m}{m}$

Could you please recommend a reference to or supply a proof of the following identity \eqref{combin-ID-Maclaurin}, or \eqref{first-equiv-form}, or \eqref{combin-ID-Mac-Equiv}, or \eqref{combin-ID-Mac-...
4 votes
2 answers

Showing this formula counts these things

I'm writing an article, and I got stuck trying to prove that some numbers are positive. I have a relatively good intuition for guessing what an expression is counting, but in this case I'm not being ...
5 votes
1 answer

Alternating sums of alternate Stirling numbers

Does anybody know of any identities or combinatorial interpretations for alternating sums of alternate Stirling numbers? I am particularly interested in expressions of the form: $$\pm\sum_{k}(-1)^k|...