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How many sporadic simple groups are there, really?

I attended a talk by John Conway recently where he explained to us that the usual number, 26, was wrong, that there are in fact 27 sporadic simple groups. His reason was that the Tits group, which is ...
Simon Rose's user avatar
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Algebra for the Baby

I am reading the following article. Ryba, Alexander J.E., A natural invariant algebra for the Baby Monster group., J. Group Theory 10, No. 1, 55-69 (2007). ZBL1228.20012.. Author works with 4370-...
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A lattice with Monster group symmetries

The book Mathematical Evolutions contains the following excerpt: A last, famous, example is the following. It is known that in the space of one hundred and ninety six thousand eight hundred and ...
Adam P. Goucher's user avatar
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Does $\mathit{Suz}$ contain $M_{13}$?

$\newcommand\Suz{\mathit{Suz}}$I recently noticed that the Suzuki group $\Suz$ has as subgroups classes of both $L_3(3)$ and $M_{12}$, both of which are also subgroups of the Mathieu groupoid $M_{13}$....
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
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Atlas of finite groups, Character table of automorphism group of sporadic group

I am consulting ATLAS of finite group for character table of Automorphism Group of sporadic group. I am reading from Inverse Galois Theory by G. Malle Let me start with $G=M_{12}$ This(image ...
Tensor_Product's user avatar
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Normalizers of abelian Sylows in simple groups

Suppose $G$ is a (nonabelian) finite simple group and $p$ is a prime such that the $p$-Sylow in $G$ is abelian. What can be said about its normalizer? I'm particularly interested in lower bounds on ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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$2^2 \cdot U_6(2)$ and $2^2.2^{1+20}U_6(2)$ in $\mathbb{M}$

In the first diagram of this paper, there are conjugacy classes of subgroups of the Monster group which are labeled $2^2 \cdot U_6(2)$ and $2^2.2^{1+20}U_6(2)$, respectively. Can subgroups in the ...
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
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Are all exceptional Schur covers sub-sporadic?

Famously, all but finitely many finite simple groups are (cyclic or alternating or) of Lie type. The groups of Lie type have central extensions coming from the simply connected covers of the ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar