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Adams blue book lemma 17.14: computing a $\mathbb{F}_2$ basis for a filtration of $H\mathbb{Z}_*(bu \wedge bu)$

First off let me apologize for not being able to give all the context for this question. I'm learning how to do computations in stable homotopy theory and have been particularly spending a lot of time ...
Francis Baer's user avatar
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Relating bordism groups of $\Omega_{d}^{Spin_c}$ and $\Omega_{d}^{(Spin \times SU(N))/\mathbb{Z}_2}$ to that of $U(N)$

I felt that the earlier question may be too challenging, so let me provide a different angle and more infos to tackle an easier and separate problem. Let us consider a more explicit a short exact ...
wonderich's user avatar
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The $E_2$-page of the May spectral sequence

I recently started to read about May spectral sequence, which converge to the $E_2$ term of the classical ASS. At the prime $2$, this is a spectral sequence with $E_1$ page a polynomial algebra on ...
S. carmeli's user avatar
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Is there a systematic way to "bound" the $d_n$'s of ASS's by "pairing" them with elements in the $n$-line of the $E_2$ of the ASS of the sphere?

All details in the question are for the case $p=2$ though I expect the answer shouldn't be that different for odd primes. Adams showed (i think it was him) the following statement: The element $...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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infinite families in stable homotopy groups

The question is about infinite families in stable homotopy groups. Yes, there are some Q&A about the topic. But I wonder if the order of Mahowald's elements is known? in Green Book it mentioned ...
Dr.Martens's user avatar