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Computations using "Stover's spectral sequence"

In this article from 1990, Stover describes a specral sequence which converges to the higher homotopy groups of the homotopy colimit of a diagram $\underline{X}$ of topological spaces. The second ...
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Pro-trivial cosimplicial tower of spaces

Let $\{X^\bullet_s\}$ be a cosimplicial tower of spaces. In other words, for each fixed "tower degree" n, we have a (let's assume Reedy fibrant) cosimplicial space $X^\bullet_n$, and for each fixed ...
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Spectral sequence for a truncated semi cosimplicial space

Consider the simplicial indexing category $\Delta$. Now, let's denote the subcategory consisting of injections as $\Delta_{inj}$. When we're dealing with a cosimplicial space, which is essentially a ...
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