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Understand the proof that rational resolution is independent of the resolution

EDIT. Karl Schwede has given a different approach to solve this question, which is very clear. However, I still want to figure out how to deal with this problem along Ein's line, and waiting for the ...
Invariance's user avatar
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Frölicher spectral sequence of a surface

Asked this on MSE but didn't get much attention. Let $ S $ be a compact complex surface. Can anyone provide a proof of the fact that the Frölicher spectral sequence of $ S $ degenerates at $ E_1 $? ...
Cranium Clamp's user avatar
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Borel spectral sequence with non-compact fibers

I was reading the following paper which claims to generalize Borel spectral sequence for non-compact Stein fibers. However, I don't understand how the following bundle fits into the picture: $$ (\...
Grisha Taroyan's user avatar
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multiplication in spectral sequence

I am trying to understand this paper. Let $M$ be a compact Kaehler manifold of dimension $n$, $X$ is a holomorphic vector field, $i_X$ the contraction operator, i.e. for $\alpha$ a $p$-form, then $i_X(...
Anh Dũng Lê's user avatar
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Does the degeneracy of the Frölicher spectral sequence vary in families?

I would like to know if there are any known examples of families of complex manifolds for which the Frölicher spectral sequence of one fibre degenerates on the $E_m$ page and the spectral sequence of ...
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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Hodge classes and Leray filtration

Let $f :X \to Y$ be a submersion between smooth projective varieties over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $\alpha \in Z^k(X)$ be an algebraic cycle of $X$. Is is true that for all odd numbers $p$ and $q$ such ...
JacobI's user avatar
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