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a question on Hodge and Atiyah's paper "integrals of the second kind on an algebraic variety"

I have a question on Hodge and Atiyah's paper "Integrals of the second kind on an algebraic variety". It is about the exact sequence below formula (14) and above formula (15) on page 71: $$H_{2n-q}(S)...
user42804's user avatar
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English reference for Fischer-Grauert theorem and its generalization by Schuster

From this MSE question and its answer, and from this MO question I have learned of the following remarkable theorem of Wolfgang Fischer and Hans Grauert. Theorem. A proper holomorphic submersion with ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Discrete set of critical points of a holomorphic map

I have originally posted this question on math.SE, but it received no attention, so I repost it here. Let $U$ be an open domain in $\mathbb{C}^{n}$. Let $m\ge n$ and let $F:U\to C^{m}$ be a ...
erz's user avatar
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How to get the jet extension over the whole of $X$ in Popovici's article?

Recently, I am reading D. Popovici's article $L^2$ extension for jets of holomorphic sections of a Hermitian line bundle, where some parts possibly confuse me. I ...
Invariance's user avatar
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Automatic plurisubharmonicity for a non-negative function

I feel confused about a point in this very short paper. On the top of page 3, it is claimed that: If $S$ is a totally real submanifold in a compact almost complex manifold $(X,J)$, then any function ...
Hang's user avatar
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Notation and geometry facts in a paper on the Diederich-Fornæss index

I am reading this article by Bingyuan Liu on the Diederich-Fornæss index. I am having some problems with both the notation and the geometrical side. 1)I don't know what kind of objects $N,L$ are ...
Joe's user avatar
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Currents with logarithmic poles compared with those with no poles

I am learning Deligne homology via U. Jannsen, "Deligne homology, Hodge-$\mathscr{D}$-conjecture, and motives." There, the currents with logarithmic poles are given in Definition 1.4 by $$ '\...
neander's user avatar
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Constant mean curvature hypersurface

Assume that $f:\mathbb{B}^2\to \mathbb{C}$ is a holomorphic function defined in the unit ball in $\mathbb{C}^2$. Let $u(z)=|f(z)|(1-|z|^2)$ and consider $\Sigma =\{z: u(z)=c\}$. It seems to me that if ...
user67184's user avatar