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Structure of well-ordered commutative monoids

Let $(M,+)$ be a commutative monoid. Let $<$ be a well-ordering on $M$, where $\forall a\in M,\ 0\leq a$ $\forall a,b,c\in M,\ a<b\Rightarrow a+c<b+c$ The first condition means $M$ will be ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
  • 18.7k
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Unique product groups (and semigroups)

A group $G$ is called a u.p.-group (short for unique product group) if for all nonempty finite subsets $A,B\subseteq G$, there exists an element $g\in A \cdot B$ which can be uniquely written as a ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
  • 18.7k
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Partial orders on $\mathbb{N}^m$ compatible with addition

I'm looking for a classification (or just non-trivial examples) of partial orders on monoid $\mathbb{N}^{m}$ that are compatible with addition. That is, partial orders $\leq$ satisfying two additional ...
Rybin Dmitry's user avatar
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Interleaving in Viennot's Heaps models?

I am looking for past results on interleaving of heaps (in the sense of Viennot). For a very simplified example, suppose I have two pieces, (b1 a1 b1), and (b2 c2 b2), where the letter represents a ...
holloway's user avatar