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A homological algebra approach to the Union-closed sets conjecture

I noted a while ago that there is a nice homological formulation using incidence algebra of the Union-closed sets conjecture ( It might just ...
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Periodics of Coxeter matrices for truncated Nakayama algebras

For $n \geq 3$ and $r \geq 3$ let $C_{n,r}=(c_{i,j})$ denote the $n \times n$-matrix where $c_{i,j}=1$ for $j=i,\dots,i+r-1$ (we only do this until $i+r-1>n$). So for example for $n=7$ and $r=3$ we ...
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Exterior powers of the Cartan matrix and Dyck paths

(This question can be formulated purely combinatorially in terms of Dyck paths, which is done in the second part of the question. But I am more interested whether this can be explained by some sort of ...
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Equivalence of two descriptions of differentials of Koszul complex

My question comes from learning the paper [BGS96] Koszul duality patterns in representation theory by Beilinson, Ginzburg and Soergel, published in 1996. Let $A=T_{A_0}A_1/\langle R\rangle$ be a ...
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