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Hadamard submanifolds of $k$-fold product of hyperbolic plane

Let $\kappa>0$ and $d,k$ be a positive integers with $k\ge d$. For $k\in \mathbb{Z}^+$ large enough, can one find a geodesically complete and simply connected $d$-dimensional Riemannian ...
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What is the minimum $n$ for which $\Bbb H^3$ can be isometrically embedded in $\Bbb R^n$ as a bounded set?

Consider the hyperbolic $3$-space $\Bbb H^3$ (i.e., the unique, simply-connected, $3$-dimensional complete Riemannian manifold with a constant negative sectional curvature equal to $-1$). The Nash ...
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The best lower bound for isometric immersions

I just read Azov's article in the considered two classes of Riemannian metrics, \begin{align*} ds^2&=du_1^2+f(u_1)\sum_{i=2}^ldu_i,&f>0\\ ds^2&=g^2(u_1)\sum_{i=2}^ldu_i^2 ,&g>0\...
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