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Isogeny classes for elliptic curves over quadratic field

Question. Is it possible for an elliptic curve $E$ over quadratic field $K$ to have two separate (yet connected) isogeny classes? There are two $\mathbb{Z}/14\mathbb{Z}$ elliptic curves, $E_1$ and $...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Similar to a $d$-twist but over a cubic field

This question could be related to my old and Duality's newer questions. I am building a $\mathbb{Z}/9\mathbb{Z}$ elliptic curve $E$ over $\mathbb{Q}$: $$E: y^2+(t^3-3t^2+1)xy + t^3(t-1)^3y=x^2$$ For $...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
6 votes
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Ranks of elliptic curves over cubic fields

We are writing a paper on the ranks of elliptic curves over cubic fields. The curves of different torsion subgroups are created by the formulas in Jeon et al. and by our new parametrizations. D. Jeon,...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
7 votes
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ℤ/18ℤ elliptic curves over cubic fields

I am working on $\mathbb{Z}/18\mathbb{Z}$ elliptic curves over cubic fields. The curves are created using the formulas on p. 584 of D. Jeon, C. H. Kim, Y. Lee, Families of elliptic curves over cubic ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
11 votes
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Z/8Z elliptic curve with a missing generator

We are searching for the rank $6$ elliptic curves with the torsion subgroup $\mathbb{Z}/8\mathbb{Z}$ using the families similar to Allan MacLeod's as described in A. J. MacLeod, A Simple Method for ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Systems of equations for elliptic curves without $3$-torsion

In his YouTube video New rank records for elliptic curves having rational torsion, Noam Elkies uses systems of equations at 6:16 and 8:38 to present $\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$ curves of rank 14 and rank ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
10 votes
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Possible groups of K-rational points for elliptic curves over arbitrary fields

It is known that the group $C(\Bbb R)$ has at most two connected components, and the connected component of the identity is isomorphic to $U(1)$ as a topological group (trivially) and $C(\Bbb Q)$ is ...
FusRoDah's user avatar
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$2$-isogenous to a curve in the Tate normal form

It is well-known that an elliptic curve $E$ that has a point of order $2$ and is represented as $E=[0,a,0,b,0]$ has a $2$-isogenous curve $E^\prime=[0,-2a,0,a^2-4b,0]$, see e.g. p. 507 in A. Dujella, ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Rationalizing and minimizing elliptic curve coefficients

I am working on elliptic curves with torsion group $\mathbb{Z}/14\mathbb{Z}$ over quadratic fields. The curves are constructed using the model $E_1=[0,a,0,b,0]$ following the formulas on p. 13 of L. ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Z2xZ6 elliptic curves with missing generators

By implementing the techniques described in and similar to A. Dujella, J. C. Peral, Elliptic curves with torsion group Z/8Z or Z/2Z x Z/6Z, arXiv, Number Theory [math.NT] (2013), arXiv:1306.0027v1 A....
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Hard: One more generator needed for a Z/6 elliptic curve

We are searching for rank 8 elliptic curves with the torsion subgroup $\mathbb{Z}/6$ using newly discovered families similar to Kihara's as described in A. Dujella, J.C. Peral, P. Tadić, Elliptic ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
3 votes
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Finding $K$-rational points on $X_0(35)$

Let $K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-2})$. How can I compute the $K$-rational points on the modular curve $X_0(35)$? Recall that $X_0(35)$ is a hyperelliptic curve of genus 3 and has the simplified affine model: \...
5W1H's user avatar
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Primes of the form $p=u^2+1$ and number of points on the elliptic curve $x^3+a x z^2=y^2 z$

Let $p$ be prime of the form $p=u^2+1$. For $a \in \mathbb{F}_p,a \ne 0$, define $E_a : x^3+a x z^2=y^2 z$ Let $B= \lfloor 2 \sqrt{p}\rfloor$ Must we have $(\#E_a(\mathbb{F}_p) -p - 1) \in \{2,-2,B,-B\...
joro's user avatar
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Kihara-like Z/6Z elliptic curve families

Shoichi Kihara constructed a family of elliptic curves with Mordell–Weil group $\mathbb{Z}/6\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}^3$ (generic rank at least 3) in 2006. Kihara's family produces a number of rank 8 ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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3-, 6-, 12-descent for Z2xZ6 elliptic curves

We are trying to write a snippet of Magma code to clarify the steps in the simplified procedure of applying $3$-, $6$-, $12$-descent and hopefully resolve the missing generator of the following $\...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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A new simple formula is needed

The following question is related to the families of high rank elliptic curves with torsion subgroup $\mathbb{Z}/6\mathbb{Z}$. The SageMath/Python code below produces a list of small fractions $a$ for ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Distribution of the rank of $y^2=x^4+x+b^2$

For positive integer $b$ define the curve $C_b : y^2=x^4+x+b^2$. $C_b$ is genus one and has the rational points: $(0,\pm b),(-1,\pm b)$ and one more point from the reciprocal of the polynomial y=0 ...
joro's user avatar
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A generator needed for a Z/6 elliptic curve

We are searching for rank $8$ elliptic curves with the torsion subgroup $\mathbb{Z}/6$ using newly discovered families similar to Kihara's as described in A. Dujella, J.C. Peral, P. Tadić, ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Is every sufficiently general monic quartic rational square infinitely often?

Let $f(x)=x^4+b_3 x^3+ b_2 x^2+b_1 x + b_0$. Let $g(x)=x^4 f(1/x)$. Let $C : g(x)=y^2$. $C$ is birationally equivalent to $f(x)=y^2$. The constant coefficient of $g(x)$ is $1$ since $f$ is monic and $(...
joro's user avatar
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Brauer-Manin obstruction and affine curves

I'm looking for references that can justify to what extent is the following statement true: Statement. Let $X$ be a smooth geometrically integral curve over a number field $k$. Then the Brauer-Manin ...
oleout's user avatar
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Perfect square quadratic expression

For a given rational $c\ne-1$, I need to find a rational $x\ne20$ with a small denominator such that $(5cx+100)(5cx-64c+36)$ is a perfect square. I start with $y^2=(5cx+100)(5cx-64c+36)$ and ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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Action of the Picard Scheme of an Elliptic Fibration

Suppose that we have a surface $X$ defined over a field $k$ (I am interested in $k$ being a number field) and an elliptic fibration $f: X \rightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$, i.e. $f$ is proper and almost all ...
Sam Streeter's user avatar
9 votes
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Existence of hyperelliptic curve with specific number of points in a family

Hi, the following question was posed to me, it apparently has applications for linear codes. Let n>1, and $K = \rm{GF}(2^n)$. Let $k$ be coprime to $2^n-1$. Does there always exist $a \neq 0$ in $K$ ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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