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28 votes
3 answers

A non-formal space with vanishing Massey products?

Let $X$ be a polyhedron. For each $n$-dimensional face $f$ of $X$ fix a homeomorphism $\sigma_f:\triangle^n\to f$ where $\triangle^n$ is the standard $n-$simplex so that whenever $f$ is a face of $f'$ ...
algori's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

The cohomology plus what characterizes the rational homotopy type?

For simplicity let me work only with connected and simply connected spaces. "Space" will mean a space of this type. A space is rational if its homotopy groups are rational vector spaces (...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

A cdga for compactly supported cohomology (à la Sullivan's algebra of polynomial forms)

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold, and let $\Omega^\bullet(M)$ be the commutative dg-algebra of differential forms on $M$. It is quasi-isomorphic to the dg-algebra of singular cochains on $M$. If $M$ is no ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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5 votes
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DG-Modules over CDG-algebras in the sense of rational homotopy theory

I don't know if this question is elementary or not. Suppose we have a rationalization $X_\mathbb{Q}$ of a simply connected topological space $X$. Then we can construct a CDG-algebra - a minimal ...
Fat ninja's user avatar
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Minimal Model for $\mathbb{CP}^2 \# \mathbb{CP}^2 \# \mathbb{CP}^2$

I'm a grad student studying non-negative curvature on simply-connected manifolds and the conjectured relationship with rational homotopy theory. The rational homotopy groups (and so the number of ...
Russ Phelan's user avatar