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concentration of sums of fourth moment of normals

I was wondering what is the best tail bound for \begin{equation*} \mathbb{P}\bigg\{\sum_{k=1}^n X_k^4>(1+t)3n\bigg\}\le ? \end{equation*} where $X_k$ are i.i.d. $\mathcal{N}(0,1)$.
mohi's user avatar
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Measure concentration for weakly dependent random variables

For an application quite alien to probability theory, I'd like to have a kind of measure concentration estimate, in the following spirit. Suppose that to every $1\le i,j\le n$ there corresponds a zero-...
Seva's user avatar
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Expected value with a kronecker product and Gaussian distributional assumption

What is the expected value, $ \mathbb{E}\left[ I \otimes \left( \operatorname{diag}(ZZ^T\mathbf{1}) - ZZ^T\right)\right]$ where $Z \sim N(0, \sigma^2I) $? The kronecker product is where the confusion ...
Pron's user avatar
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15 votes
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Distribution of inverse of a random matrix

I got stuck into a problem and couldn't find its satisfactory answer anywhere. My question is simple. Suppose I have a fat random matrix (i,e., $R$ has dimensions $k\times d$ where $k<d$) whose ...
Salman's user avatar
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8 votes
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Eigenvalue distributions of finite dimensional Wishart matrices

I am trying to obtain the eigenvalue distribution of a finite dimensional Wishart matrix. Let $A_{n\times n}\sim\mathbb{W}(\Sigma_{n\times n},m)$ where $\mathbb{W}(\Sigma_{n\times n},m)$ denotes the ...
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4 votes
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Does the Tracy-Widom distribution describe the tails of eigenvalue densities of finite dimensional random matrices?

The Tracy-Widom distribution (TW) describes the density of the largest eigenvalue of a random Hermitian matrix, when scaled and centered appropriately (depending on GOE/GUE/GSE/Wishart, etc). In a ...
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40 votes
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When should we expect Tracy-Widom?

The Tracy-Widom law describes, among other things, the fluctuations of maximal eigenvalues of many random large matrix models. Because of its universal character, it obtained his position on the ...
Adrien Hardy's user avatar
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Uniform correlation matrix sampling and not so uniform laws

Hi everyone, I am looking for a way of simulating correlation matrices of fixed dimension in (at least) two ways. First, I would like to determine the "uniform" distribution over the "correlation ...
The Bridge's user avatar
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Marginal distribution of the diagonal of an inverse Wishart distributed matrix

This is a cross-posting of a question I asked at CrossValidated. It hasn't generated much activity so I'm trying here: Suppose $X\sim \operatorname{InvWishart}(\nu, \Sigma_0)$. I'm interested in the ...
JMS's user avatar
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What are the origin and applications of this result?

In a course taught by Morris Eaton on multivariate statistics that dealt mostly with the Wishart distribution, I learned this proposition: Suppose $$ M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\\\ B^T & C \...
Michael Hardy's user avatar

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