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Mysterious identity in cosimplicial $R$-module with Lie brackets

I have a cosimplicial $R$-module $\mathscr{A}:=(A_n)_{n\ge 0}$ and on each $A_n$ a Lie bracket $[-,-]_n:A_n\otimes A_n\to A_n$. Denote the cofaces by $d_i:A_n\to A_{n+1}$ and the codegeneracies by $...
FKranhold's user avatar
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Is the homotopy of a primitively generated Hopf algebra still primitively generated?

Let $A=\oplus A_n$ be a primitively generated graded Hopf algebra, where each $A_n$ is a simplicial group. This allows us to define the homotopy group $\pi_*(A)$. Question: is the graded Hopf algebra ...
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