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18 votes
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Is there a cotangent bundle of a stable $\infty$-category?

Let $C$ be a stable $\infty$-category. Is there any categorical construction $C \mapsto T^* C$, where $T^* C$ is another stable $\infty$-category, that specializes to the following? When $C$ is the ...
13 votes
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The derived category of integral representations of a Dynkin quiver

Let $Q$ be a Dynkin quiver. Let $\mathbb CQ$ be its complex path algebra. It is defined in a way such that modules over $\mathbb CQ$ are the same as representations of the quiver $Q$. Let's write $\...
2 votes
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An equivalence between projective modules over the preprojective algebra and an orbit category

Let $Q$ be a Dynkin quiver, and let $kQ$ be its path algebra over some field k. Let $\Pi$ be the preprojective algebra of $Q$. Then (c.f. Section 7.3 of Keller's On Triangulated Orbit Categories) the ...