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kernel and cokernel of corestriction map in cohomology of a profinite group

Let $G$ be a profinite group, $N$ a normal open subgroup and $A$ a discrete $G$-module. We have a corestriction map $cor: H^1(N, A)_{G/N} \to H^1(G, A)$. Are there any results on the kernel and ...
Ahmed Matar's user avatar
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A question about continuous group cohomology

Let $G$ be a profinite topological group, $M$ a discrete $G$-module. If $M$ is "P", is every $H^i_{\rm cont}(G,M)$ also "P"? or at least is it a subgroup/subquotient of an abelian group that is "P"? ...
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