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Multi-type Galton-Watson-like process where only majority-type is allowed to reproduce

Are you aware of any research papers that have explored a multi-type Galton-Watson process in which only particles of the majority type are permitted to reproduce in each generation? I've been unable ...
Eubos's user avatar
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Approximating the *conditional* probability of 1D discrete random walk not having revisited the origin given last position

I'm looking for a good closed form approximation to the following conditional probability, with provable approximation guarantees. Consider a 1D random walk on the integers, starting at the origin, ...
user113925's user avatar
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Is there an effective algorithm for finding "minimal discovery times" for large graphs?

Consider a large, probably sparse graph with Markovian random walkers on it. Define the discovery time as the expected time to first reach a vertex by random walk from a uniform start. Are there ...
Moonwalker's user avatar