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Questions tagged [ordinal-analysis]

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What does "can almost be proven in PA" mean regarding Theorem 2 of Timothy Chow's expository article, "The Consistency of Arithmetic"?

In his expository article, "The Consistency of Arithmetic" (MSN), Prof. Chow has the following theorems: Theorem 1. If $a_1, a_2, a_3,\dotsc$ is a sequence of ordinals and $a_i \ge a_j$ whenever $...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
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Does this restriction on powersets in ZF have a proof theoretic ordinal?

If we add to the language of set theory a total one place function symbol $\mathcal P$ standing for powerset operator, and then add to ZF-Power the following axioms: Power: if $\phi$ is a formula in ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Is there an error in W. Buchholz's paper "A simplified version of local predicativity"?

I want to self-learn proof theory. It seems that the operator controlled derivation method is important in this field, and the paper in the title is the first paper that uses this method. So I'm ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
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Is $\sf \Gamma_0$ the proof theoretic ordinal of this kind of predicative class theory?

Adopting the approach of Mono-sorted $\sf NBG$, define sets as elements of classes, then axiomatize: Extensionality, Predicative Class comprehension, emptyset, in the usual manner along mono-sorted $\...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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What is the proof theoretic ordinal of this kind of predicative type-set theory?

The following is a kind of Predicative Type Set Theory. The question is about what is exactly the proof theoretic ordinal of this theory? Is it lower than the one expected for predicative theories, i....
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Regarding Gentzen's note regarding 'Godel-points' (i.e., "Where is the Godel-point hiding?")

Consider the following note written by Gerhard Gentzen in early 1932, on the onset of his work on a consistency proof for arithmetic: The axioms of arithmetic are obviously correct, and the ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
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How to define BHO alternatives below admissible ordinals?

Bachmann-Howard ordinal is a recursive ordinal. It's not that large compared to those proof-theoretic ordinals of stronger theories, but the definition of BHO is sufficient to illustrate how ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar