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Questions tagged [ordinal-analysis]

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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19 votes
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Can Gentzen-style proofs give omega-consistency and beyond?

In 1936, Gentzen famously showed that Primitive Recursive Arithmetic, plus the assumption that the ordinal $\epsilon_0$ is well-founded, is able to prove Con(PA). But of course, Con(PA) doesn't yet ...
Scott Aaronson's user avatar
9 votes
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Consequences of recent claims of Ordinal Analysis of $Z_2$

Recently Toshiyasu Arai submitted "An ordinal analysis of $\Pi_{N}$-Collection" and Henry Towsner submitted "Proofs that Modify Proofs", both of which claim ordinal analysis of ...
solatia's user avatar
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Natural examples of recursive pseudowellorderings

Question: What are some natural examples of recursive pseudowellorderings? By natural, I mean in the style of reasonable ordinal notation systems as opposed to dependent on a Gödel numbering or an ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
6 votes
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Iterated $\Pi^1_1$-reflection and non-Gandiness underrepresented in ordinal analyses?

This is a copy of Math StackExchange question #4395977, which I felt was more appropriate for MathOverflow. Note on terminology: "admissible", "$(^+)$-stable", and "$\Pi^1_1$-...
C7X's user avatar
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Ordinal strength of iterated truth theories

Consider the theory ${\rm PA}^{\mathbb{T}}$ obtained by adding a truth predicate to Peano arithmetic, applicable to sentences of the unaugmented language and satisfying the compositionality axioms $\...
Nik Weaver's user avatar
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What is proof-theoretic ordinal of weak first-order arithmetic?

According to Wikipedia( and nlab(, a proof-theoretic ordinal of $\mathsf{PRA}$ is $\omega^\omega$. ...
Alwe's user avatar
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What's the purpose of $\mathsf M\text-\mathsf P$-expressions?

In ordinal notations such as Stegert's (Ordinal Proof Theory of Kripke–Platek Set Theory Augmented by Strong Reflection Principles) and Rathjen's (An Ordinal Analysis of parameter free $\Pi_2^1$-...
Binary198's user avatar
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Higher order arithmetic, hierarchies and proof theoretic ordinals

I asked this question on MSE some days ago but I have not received any answer so I have decided to post it here. I would like to consider a generalization of the notation $\Pi$ and $\Sigma$ used for ...
user115415's user avatar
5 votes
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$Π_2$ strength of KP

I am looking for a characterization of the $Π_2$ statements provable in KP. Here, KP (often denoted KPω) is the Kripke-Platek set theory, including infinity and full induction on ordinals. Here is ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
4 votes
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Ordinal analysis and nonrecursive ordinals

Ordinal analysis is typically described as characterizing recursive ordinals in a theory $T$, but there is a sense in which it can characterize all $T$-ordinals, even those that are nonrecursive. ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a notion of "predicative given the real numbers"?

A definition is called impredicative if it involves quantification over a domain that contains the thing being defined. For instance, if you define hereditary property to be a property which applies ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
3 votes
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Partial well-ordering of formulas

Given a theory $T$, for arbitrary formulas $φ$ and $ψ$ that provably in $T$ denote an ordinal, set $[φ]_T < [ψ]_T$ iff provably in $T$, the ordinal denoted by $φ$ is less than the ordinal denoted ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the role of the (formalized) omega rule in Ramified Analysis?

In the 1960's, Feferman and Schutte did groundbreaking proof-theoretic work to find out the strength of predicative systems of second-order arithmetic. They used the ramified theory of types, a ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
2 votes
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How closely do ordinal collapsing functions relate to Skolem hulls?

Ordinal collapsing functions appear in proof theory, and they are used to name large countable ordinals by using uncountable ordinals. Previously I posted a question about why $\psi(\alpha)$ is ...
C7X's user avatar
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Is there an error in W. Buchholz's paper "A simplified version of local predicativity"?

I want to self-learn proof theory. It seems that the operator controlled derivation method is important in this field, and the paper in the title is the first paper that uses this method. So I'm ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
1 vote
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Is $\sf \Gamma_0$ the proof theoretic ordinal of this kind of predicative class theory?

Adopting the approach of Mono-sorted $\sf NBG$, define sets as elements of classes, then axiomatize: Extensionality, Predicative Class comprehension, emptyset, in the usual manner along mono-sorted $\...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the proof theoretic ordinal of this kind of predicative type-set theory?

The following is a kind of Predicative Type Set Theory. The question is about what is exactly the proof theoretic ordinal of this theory? Is it lower than the one expected for predicative theories, i....
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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How to define BHO alternatives below admissible ordinals?

Bachmann-Howard ordinal is a recursive ordinal. It's not that large compared to those proof-theoretic ordinals of stronger theories, but the definition of BHO is sufficient to illustrate how ...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar