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Convex combination of cyclically monotone sets

I want to show the following statement, but I am not sure how. Proposition(?): Let $C \in \mathbb{R}^d$ be a compact convex set, and let $u, v : C \to \mathbb{R}$ be smooth convex functions. Suppose $$...
Paruru's user avatar
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Approximating solutions to Monge-Ampere from optimal transport plans

I am interested in finding numerical solutions to a Monge-Ampere type equation for applications in physics. Due to the close connection between Monge-Ampere and optimal transport and the well ...
Yly's user avatar
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Constructing a family of domains for application of method of continuity in optimal transportation

Anyway can help me about this paper? I want to ask page 20, The author want to construct a family of subdomain for using method of continuity. But I can't ...
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