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Reduce the asymptotic variance for a class of Metropolis-Hasting estimates

I'm running the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with state space $E$, target distribution $\mu=p\lambda$ and proposal kernel $Q$ to estimate $\mu(hf)$ for a fixed function $f:E\to[0,\infty)^3$ and a ...
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Maximize an $L^p$-functional subject to a set of constraints

Let $(E,\mathcal E,\lambda)$ and $(E',\mathcal E',\lambda')$ be measure spaces $f\in L^2(\lambda)$ $I$ be a finite nonempty set $\varphi_i:E'\to E$ be bijective $(\mathcal E',\mathcal E)$-measurable ...
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Finding a mixture of 1st and 0'th order Markov models that is closest to an empirical distribution

I am interested in finding the distribution "$p^*$" closest to an empirical distribution $\hat{p}$ where $p^*$ is a mixture of first and zeroth order Markov models. That is, I want to find $$ p^* = \...
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