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Partial monoid in the category of categories of modules: The spotty nature of monad composition

It seems that I am working on a conjecture in category theory. In particular, I am curious about the spotty nature of the composition of monads on Set. I am guessing that there is a category, $\...
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What are the (co)algebras for the $(\operatorname{Hom}(A,-), A\otimes-)$ adjunction (co)monad?

A module $A$ over a commutative ring $k$ gives a pair of adjoint endofunctors, $(A\otimes_k-)$ left adjoint to $\operatorname{Hom}_k(A,-)$. They produce a monad $T_A$ and a comonad $C_A$. Is there any ...
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Composition of monads induces tensor product in the category of modules

I have recently asked a question about the composition of two monads, namely $\mathcal{M}_P = \mathcal{M}_C \cdot \mathcal{M}_C$. I am conjecturing that the cateogory of $\mathbb{C}$-Modules and the ...
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The multi-set monad and modules

I am trying to analyze the category of algebras for the finite free commutative monoid monad, aka the finite multiset monad. This monad is frequently described as having a multiplication that takes a ...