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2 votes
1 answer

linear programming with $n$ choose $r$ variables

Given parameters $r < n$, define $m = {n \choose r}$ and let $A$ be the $n\times m$ matrix whose columns are all the vectors with $r$ $1$'s and $n-r$ $0$'s. Let $b$ be a positive $n$-vector. Is ...
0 votes
1 answer

eigen-decomposition solution? is it unique?

Assume an N*N covariance matrix (Q) which is a positive definite matrix. The decoder X is assumed to be N*s, where s<=N. X is calculated to be s eigenvectors corresponding to s minimum eigenvalues. ...
4 votes
4 answers

efficient way to compute the inversion of the following matrix

Hi, there I have looked it up in the current textbook. The conventional numerical method to compute the inversion of an $n \times n$ matrix requires $O(n^3)$. However, for the following special ...