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Is there any correspondence between Gödel and Kreisel that supports Kreisel's observation that Gödel changed his mind about his 1938 set theory note?

At a conference in 1965 there were some interesting comments made by Kreisel and Mostowski asserting that Gödel later changed his mind regarding his1938 note on his set theory results (see Problems in ...
M. Solomon's user avatar
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Why are real-valued measurable cardinals never explicitly mentioned in Gödel's "What is Cantor's Continuum Problem"?

It is a matter of mathematical folklore that Gödel "entertained the idea of so called stronger axioms of infinity deciding $CH$...." (this quote from Radek Honzik's paper, "Large ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar
3 votes
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A Question Regarding Boolean-valued Models

What were the intuitions motivating the creation (or discovery, if you will) of Boolean-valued models? I have searched for the Scott-Solovay paper on the subject, but to no avail. There also seems to ...
Thomas Benjamin's user avatar