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Upsampling parameters in the Takahashi-Alexander model

Let me start by begging your forebearance; this question might at first glance appear to belong more on a forum for economics, but I hope by the end to convince you that there is mathematical content ...
29 votes
3 answers

Are symplectic methods used in (classical) Economics?

The tl;dr question is this: are economists using coordinate-free formulations in studying theory? Borrowing from classical mechanics, the framework I have in mind for classical economics--involving ...
1 vote
0 answers

Reference request: finding entries that prevent matrix from being correlation matrix

I am currently doing some research with a quantitative finance firm and my supervisor has raised an interesting question that shows up a lot with their clients: quite often, clients will want to do ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Reference request in optimal stopping [closed]

I am given the following task. Distributed over a trading day, I am supposed to buy a certain quantity of a good. The price of this good changes during the day. The goal is to buy the required ...
1 vote
0 answers

Extending risk neutral measure to insurance/mortality filtration

In insurance mathematics, one often models the underlying of an insurance policy with a Black Scholes model on a filtered probability space $(\Omega,\mathbb{Q},\mathcal{F},\mathbb{F}=(\mathcal{F}_{t}))...
3 votes
2 answers

Is the "hybrid" Black-Scholes Hull-White model arbitrage free?

Given a "hybrid" Black-Scholes Hull White (BSHW) model. That is, the stock price is modelled by a Black Scholes SDE: \begin{equation} dS(t) = \mu(t)S(t)dt + \sigma_{S}(t)S(t)dW^{\mathbb{P}}_{S}(t) \...
1 vote
1 answer

Beginning books on stochastic calculus and finance [closed]

my background is mathematics i would like to do research in financial mathematics. So I read some part of wilmott's book but it required stochastic calculus. I did not understand that book. So which ...
3 votes
0 answers

Laplace transform of a stopping time for stochastic volatility models

Let $V_t$ be a solution of the SDE $$dV_t=V_t(rdt+\sigma_t dW_t) $$ where $\sigma_t$ satisfies some other SDE $$d\sigma_t=\alpha(t,\sigma_t)dt+\beta(t,\sigma_t)dW^{\\ \prime}_t $$ and $W_t$ and $...