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8 votes
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Comparison of two well-known bases of the integral homology group of based loop group

Let $G$ be a compact simply-connected Lie group. Then one can look at the homology $H_*(\Omega G;\mathbb{Z})$ of the based-loop space $\Omega G$ in at least two different ways: (1) Via Bott-Samelson'...
ChiHong Chow's user avatar
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Delooping the quotient space $SU/SU(n)$

Let $SU$ denote the infinite unitary group. Does the quotient space $SU/SU(n)$ admit a delooping $X$? One could also ask that this space $X$ sit in a fiber sequence $BSU(n)\to BSU\to X$, but this is ...
skd's user avatar
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When does $BG \to BA$ loop to a homomorphism?

If I have a compact connected Lie group $G$ and a (relatively nice) simply-connected topological abelian group $A$, when is it the case that a given $f\colon BG \to BA$ loops to a (continuous) ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Symplectic structures on the grassmannian model of the based loop group

$\newcommand{\Ad}{\operatorname{Ad}}$ In the study of (smooth/algebraic) based loop spaces of compact groups, one often uses a Grassmannian model to study the space. In particular, the Grassmannian ...
Tyler Holden's user avatar
13 votes
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free loop space and invariant forms

Cartan proved that for a connected compact Lie group $G$ the left invariant differential forms yield the correct cohomology of $G$. The same argument works for a connected compact $G$-manifold: the ...
Manuel Rivera's user avatar
7 votes
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Haar measure on infinite dimensional Lie groups?

Hi. Is there a Haar measure or equivalent on infinite dimensional Lie groups? I've been playing around with $Diff(S^1)$, and at least a direct approach seems quite hopeless. It goes something like ...
H. Arponen's user avatar
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A question about the affine Grassmanian

For $SL(2, \mathbf{C} ((t)))$ the affine Grassmanian is defined as: $$SL(2, \mathbf{C}((t))) / SL(2, \mathbf{C} [[t]])$$ Now that is fine but $SL(2, \mathbf{C} ((t)))$ has smaller parabolic subgroups. ...
Najdorf's user avatar
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What is the Hopf algebra structures in the homology of the based loop spaces of $E_7$ and $E_8$?

Since $\Omega X$ is a $H$-space, if it has homology of finite type, the homology acquires the structure of a Hopf algebra. Bott has shown that for $X=G$ a Lie group, in fact $H_*(\Omega X)$ is free ...
skupers's user avatar
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