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Simplicial realization of the circle action on the free loop space

Given a simply connected topological space $X$, it is well known that its free loop space $LX$ has cohomology being the Hochschild homology of the singular cochains [1]: $$HH_\bullet(S^\star X) \simeq ...
11 votes
1 answer

Measure the failure of colimit to commute with taking free loops (or Hochschild homology)?

For a space1 $X$, let $\mathcal{L}X = \mathrm{Maps}(S^1, X)$ be the free loop space. Inclusion of constant loops gives a natural map $X \to \mathcal{L}X$. This is not a homotopy equivalence unless $X$...
11 votes
1 answer

Is there any relation between the simplicial $S^1$ and the Hochschild homology of a noncommutative algebras

Let $k$ be the base field and $A$ be a unital associative $k$-algebra. Let's review the Hochschild homology theory: we have the Hochschild chain comple $C_{\cdot}(A)$ where $$ C_n(A):=A^{\otimes n+1} $...
17 votes
1 answer

Is there an algebraic "derived mapping space" construction that encompasses both Hochschild homology and loop spaces of non-simply-connected spaces?

I'm looking for directions to the literature that might contain fairly explicit constructions that might be called (the algebra of functions on) the "derived mapping space" from a simplicial set to a ...
11 votes
3 answers

Geometric realization of Hochschild complex

Let $A$ be a commutative $\mathbb{C}$-algebra, and consider $C_{\bullet}(A,A)$ the simplicial Hochschild homology module of $A$ with respect to itself (i.e. $C_{n}(A,A)=A^{\otimes (n+1)}$). This is a ...