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Is the pushforward of Lebesgue measure on a cube by a polynomial piecewise smooth?

Question: Let $Q \subset {\bf R}^n$ be a cube, and let $P: {\bf R}^n \to {\bf R}$ be a non-constant polynomial. Is it true that the pushforward $P_*( m\downharpoonright_{Q} )$ of Lebesgue measure on $...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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Which reals are Lebesgue measures of regions in $\mathbb R^n$ defined by inequalities involving polynomials with integer coefficients?

Let $a$ be a real number. What are necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a positive integer $n$ and a finite set of polynomials $p_1,\ldots,p_k$ with integer coefficients in $n$ ...
Mike Krebs's user avatar