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Weighted Least squares with Multiple Unknowns and Iterations

I am currently working on a problem involving the minimization of the $\chi^2$ deviation between a model matrix ($C_\text{model}$) and a measured matrix ($C_\text{measured}$). by finding the best-fit ...
Elaf Salah's user avatar
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How to optimize for the best fit nonuniform-scale-rotation to a given 3×3 matrix?

Given a matrix $L\in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 3}$, I'm looking for a method to find the closest (in a least squares sense) product of a non-uniform scaling matrix and a rotation matrix: $$ \min_{s\in\...
Alec Jacobson's user avatar
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Robust estimation of $Ax=b$

Problem setting : $ \underset{x}{\text{min}} \|Ax-b\|$, where $A \in \mathcal{R}^{m \times n}, m\gg n $, full rank. L1 loss is used for robust estimation using IRLS. The corresponding equation to ...
lalit's user avatar
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Minimise $\sum_i \begin{Vmatrix}\boldsymbol{x}_i \\ \boldsymbol{y}_i\end{Vmatrix}$

Consider column vectors $\boldsymbol{z}_i$, $\quad i=1,\dots,n$. Each $\boldsymbol{z}_i$ has $j$ elements and can be expressed as $\boldsymbol{z}_i = \begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{x}_i \\ \boldsymbol{y}...
Lincoln Hannah's user avatar
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How to determine the damping factor in Levenberg-Marquardt?

From the algorithm, we can see that it tries different damping factor until it gets a good one by the error. Is the damping factor related to the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix?
zskalibur's user avatar