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$\omega$ incompleteness of $\lambda$ calculus

In Plotkin's 'The $\lambda$-Calculus is $\omega$-Incomplete' (The Journal of Symbolic Logic Vol. 39, No. 2 (Jun., 1974), pp. 313-317), an example is given of two (untyped) $\lambda$-terms $M$ and $N$ ...
provocateur's user avatar
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Upward confluence in the interaction calculus

The lambda calculus is not upward confluent, counterexamples being known for a long time. Now, what about the interaction calculus? Specifically, I am looking for configurations $c_1$ and $c_2$ such ...
Anton Salikhmetov's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement η-reduction in interaction nets?

There are several ways to encode λ-terms in interaction nets; for instance, using the original optimal algorithm by Lamping, or compiling λ-calculus into interaction combinators. However, all the ...
Anton Salikhmetov's user avatar