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Metric and connection on virtual bundles

Let $E=[E^+]-[E^-]$ be an element of the Grothendieck group $K(X)$ of a compact Kahler manifold $X$. Does it exist a way to define more "geometric" structures on $E\in K(X)$ such that a ...
4 votes
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Minimum rank of inverse complex vector bundles

When considering vector bundles (real or complex) over a compact manifold, i know about the existence of inverse bundles. That is, if $\xi$ is a vector bundle over $M$, then there is a bundle $\nu$ ...
7 votes
1 answer

Non trivial rank 2 holomorphic vector bundles in complex dimensions greater than or equal 2

Does every compact complex manifold of complex dimension greater than or equal two possess a nontrivial rank 2 holomorphic vector bundle?